Middle and High school can be scary and uncertain. Our goal is to assist you in your walk with God and life. So many middle & high school students question life, God, and their faith during these years. We seek to continue in discipleship by growing closer to God and each other. Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 for our small groups then join cooperate worship at 10:30am
Then join us on Wednesday nights @ 6pm for food, fellowship and study.
Need info? Contact Jeff Clegg. or call 770-464-3474.

Wednesday Night Bible Study
We believe that students gathering to worship together is important. Our Wednesday night services offer a great opportunity for students to come and worship together. We strive to provide a powerful environment and experience through students hanging out together, games, worship, and studying the Word that allows students to come to Christ in worship.
Gathering Time: 6p upstairs in the Youth Room
Sunday Morning Bible Study
We believe spiritual growth is important. For that reason, we challenge every student to experience Christ through the Word of God. Our Sunday Morning Student Bible Study is grade and gender divided. Our Bible Study leaders love students and teach the Word of God through the Explore the Bible series.
Bible Study Time: 9:15a upstairs in and around the Youth Room. Corporate worship at 10:30a.
DECEMBER 29-31, 2022